Sometimes a film comes along that is a real breakthrough, one that's made by an unknown genius who's work of breathtaking brilliance lands into a major festival (Sundance) and unleashes its radiance onto the welcoming masses. This film is not it. Well, it was made by an unknown director and it did make Sundance and it did get a widespread release, but it was not genius and it was not brilliant. Frankly in fact, it wasn't even good. Or OK for that matter. No, it was just terrible. So to be precise this was a film by an unknown who's incompetent film lands into a major festival (Sundance) and unleashes its twisted, contrived, incomprehensible mess of percieved radiance onto the unsuspecting masses. What happened here? Well, it's a simple case of the emperor with no clothes.
This film centers around two young engineers who while tinkering with other projects, discover some science which allows them to build a box to travel in time. Once they do travel in time, they discover all kinds of paradoxes which unravels their lives. There's nothing else to know here folks, even though a lot of other stuff happens, but it just doesn't make any sense nor do we really care.
First, there is really no character development at all. The entire first half hour of the movie is nothing but dialogue- incomprehensible dialogue due to their heavy science talk and very poor audio, which makes turning on the subtitles a necessity. Even if you do turn on the subtitles, you still don't know who's saying what because four characters are all talking at the same time over on top of each other. The science that they discuss concerns the mechanics and theory behind the time machine and employs very big science words which will make no sense to the average viewer. Well, guess what? It makes no sense to anyone. My girlfriend is about to get her PhD from
In the second part, our heroes enter the time machine and go back in time to place winning stock purchases and make lots of money. Then everything goes to hell as they have to deal with the ramifications of time travel and avoiding their "doubles." At this point, a variety of characters and plot points enter and quickly leave the story- something about a murder at a party, some guy on the floor, someone getting poisoned. Not really sure what happened but it was so disjointed, with no explanation or back story that it just made no sense. Further, I didn't care about finding out because there was no character development so I didn't care at all about the characters or what happened to them. Terrible filmmaking all around, much of the film was extremely grainy. This was a low-budget film, it can't compete with
So, going back to the original fairytale ride of this film- Shane Carruth, unknown makes a 7k film that launches him in Sundance. What they'll tell you is that this is such a high concept film, so brilliant in its intricacies that to truly get it, it must be watched multiple times, and even then a background in science would be beneficial. Well, I am here to cut through the bs and tell you that there is nothing to get, there is no science, there's just Star Trek talk. Accomplished research scientists don't understand it because big, important words are just added for effect and the dialogue adds up to nothing. So if research scientists don't understand it, do you honestly think that the jury of Sundance, a group of filmmakers and whoever else, who probably save for some rare exception have the same science knowledge as the rest of the population, did understand it? Does anyone honestly believe that? What happened here is that someone (who didn't understand it) thought it was brilliant (because they didn't understand it) and then told someone else who also thought it was brilliant (because they didn't understand it and the other person thought it was brilliant and they didn't want to seem stupid) who then told someone else (to make themselves seem smart again) who then thought it was brilliant (to keep up with all the seemingly smart people who got it) and so on and so forth. And pretty soon you get a bunch of people who think a film is brilliant and they don't know why. The end.
Save yourself some time and avoid this pretentious dog.
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